♦ Town Officers/Departments

Town Office Contact Information

Location:  38 School Street ♦ Westfield, VT 05874
Office Hours:  Monday-Thursday ♦ 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Telephone: (802) 744-2484 ♦ Fax: (802) 744-6224
Email:  townofwestfield@comcast.net
Like Us on Facebook @ Town of Westfield, Vermont


This is an alphabetical listing of elected and appointed Town Officers, Town Departments and Emergency Services with a brief description of duties and when the term expires.

♦ Animal Control: Mike Piper (elected-term expires 2024)
In Westfield the Constables serve as the Animal Control Officers.  They are responsible for enforcing state laws and the town ordinance dealing with the care, treatment, licensing, and impounding of animals; pick up sick, injured, stray, or vicious animals; and issue citations for violations including enforcement of delinquent dog licensing. Yearly dog licensing is done by the Town Clerk.

  • Constable: Mike Piper (802) 744-6304
  • Constable: Mike Jacobs (802) 744-8269

♦ Auditors: : CPA to be appointed by Selectboard.  
Review and audit all town accounts. 17 V.S.A. § 2649

♦ Board of Abatement:
Click on this link to view: 
Board of Abatement Rules of Procedure-Adopted 9-12-17
About Abatement Handbook
The Board of Civil Authority (Selectboard, Justices of the Peace and Town Clerk), with the Listers and the Town Treasurer constitute this Board for the abatement of town, town school district taxes and current use taxes. 24 V.S.A. § 1533

♦ Board of Civil Authority:
Click on this link to view:
Tax Grievance Hearing Policy and Code of Conduct, Readopted 8-24-21
The Board of Civil Authority (BCA) consists of the Town’s elected Justices of the Peace, Selectboard Members, and Town Clerk. Its duties include assisting in elections, maintaining the voter checklist, and hearing tax appeals. The BCA also forms the majority of the Board for the Abatement of Taxes, along with the Treasurer and the Board of Listers.

Constable:  1st Constable:  Mike Jacobs (elected-term expires 2025)                                                                                                                                   2nd Constable:  Mike Piper (elected-term expires 2025)
The constable has the power to serve civil process, assist the health officer in the discharge of his or her duties, destroy unlicensed dogs, kill injured deer, remove disorderly people from town meeting, and, if the first constable, to collect taxes, if no tax collector is elected. 17 V.S.A. § 2646(7)

♦ Delinquent Tax Collector:  Lisa Deslandes (appointed*)
Collects delinquent taxes for the town. 17 V.S.A. § 2646(9). *At the 2024 Town Meeting the voters approved making this an appointed position. 

♦ E9-1-1 Coordinator: Scott Dunn (appointed)
Assigns street addresses for the Enhanced 9-1-1 System after a driveway is installed. Call (802) 673-3521 for more information. 

♦ Emergency Services: Call 911 for emergencies

  • Police Department:  Orleans County Sheriff’s Department (911 for emergencies & non-emergencies (802) 334-3333) and the Vermont State Police (911 for emergencies & non-emergencies (802) 334-8881)
  • Fire Department:  Troy Volunteer Fire Department
  • Ambulance Rescue Squad: Newport Rescue, located in Troy, Vt.

♦ Disaster Shelter Initiative: Maurice Doyon (appointed)
Coordinators of the Red Cross Shelter as part of the Town’s Emergency Management Plan.

♦ Fire Warden: Jim Crawford (appointed)
Burn permits are required in Westfield.  Contact Fire Warden Jim Crawford
(802) 744-8085 for more information.

♦ Health Officer:  Shelley Martin (appointed)
Appointed by the commissioner of health to a three-year term after recommendation by the Town Selectboard. Enforces the rules and regulations for the prevention and abatement of public health hazards. 18 V.S.A. § 601  Click here to view Vermont Health Officer Information.

♦ Game Warden: 
The Game Warden is dispatched through the Vermont State Police non-emergency phone line (802) 334-8881

 Justices of the Peace: (elected- expires 2024) Joyce Crawford; Anne Lazor; Yvan LaPlume; Michael Piper; Pat Sagui
Although elected by a town, justices of the peace are actually county officers.
17 V.S.A. § 2103(10)  The duties of justices of the peace can fall into five categories of responsibilities:

a. Elections: Justices of the Peace are members of the Board of Civil Authority (BCA). Members of the BCA serve as election officials at town elections by Australian ballot and statewide elections. Justices also are responsible for delivering absentee ballots to voters at election time.

b. Tax Abatement and Appeals: Justices of the Peace sit as members of the Town Board for Abatement of Taxes to determine whether a taxpayer’s tax obligation should be forgiven under certain circumstances. Justices of the Peace also serve an important role in the town’s tax appeal process. As a member of the Board of Civil Authority, Justices sit to hear and decide appeals when citizens do not agree with the final decision of the Listers.

c. Civil Marriages: Justices of the Peace may also solemnize civil marriages.

d. Oaths and Notary: Justices of the Peace may also administer oaths in all cases where an oath is required, unless a specific law makes a different provision. A Justice of the Peace is a notary public ex-officio and has all the acknowledgment powers of a notary public. However, the Justice of the Peace must file with the Secretary of State’s Office in order to act as a notary public (but the fee is waived). Visit the Secretary of State’s website at www.sec.state.vt.us/archives-records/statutory-filings/notaries-public.aspx to find a notary. 

e. Magistrate: Justices of the Peace may also serve as a magistrate when so commissioned by the Supreme Court.

♦ Library Trustees: (elected)
Jennifer Stelma (2028) 
Elizabeth Berchick (2026)
Karen Blais (2027)
Carolyn Lyster (2025)                                                                                                                                                                                                Carrie Glessner (2029)

♦ Listers: (elected):  Danny Young (Chair) (term expires 2026);  Shelley Martin (term expires 2025)  Position vacant (term expires 2027) 
Appraise property within the town for the purpose of property tax assessment. 17 V.S.A. § 2646(5)  Available by appointment. Visit the Property Taxes Page for current property tax rates. Email address: westfieldlisters@gmail.com  Hours: By appointment.

♦ Moderator: Pat Sagui (elected-term expires 2025)
Runs the annual and Special Town/School Meeting following Roberts Rules of Order. 17 V.S.A. § 2646

Planning Commission/Development Review Board (DRB):
(appointed) Brian Dunn; Kitty Edwards;  Ellen Fox;  Loren Petzoldt (Vice Chair); Pat Sagui (Chair)
The Planning Commission/Development Review Board meets whenever there is a need to review conditional use applications, hear and act on appeals of Zoning Administrators decisions, and act on requests for variances. Their duties also include updating the Town Plan and Zoning Bylaws, making recommendations on matters of land development, conservation, and preservation, and participating in a regional planning program. If needed, their regular monthly meeting is the 2nd Tuesday each month, 6 p.m. at the Westfield Community Center, 59 North Hill Road. Hearing notices are posted at the Town Clerks Office, Westfield General Store and on the Minutes and Agenda’s page.

♦ Road Foreman: Eric Kennison (appointed July 2017)
Maintains the summer and winter roads. 

♦ School Board Members: (elected)
Andrew Emery, Chair – Westfield School District (2023)
Mary Gagne – Westfield School District (2026)
Jessica Kennison – Westfield School District (2027)

North Country Union High School District (2024)
Position vacant 

♦ School Treasurers: (elected)
Lisa Deslandes – Westfield School District (expires 2025)
Tara Morse – Jay/Westfield School District (expires 2025)

Selectboard: (elected): Jacques Couture, Chair(expires 2025); Richard Degre (expires 2027); Dennis Vincent (expires 2026) 
Click on this link to view: Selectboard Rules of Procedure 2024

Click on this link to view: Purchasing Policy 2024
Click on this link to view: Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Conduct 2024

The three member Selectboard is responsible for general supervision and control over town; enacts ordinances, regulations, and policies for town; oversees town property and personnel; prepares, presents and manages budget; and oversees roads, including laying out, discontinuing, and reclassifying roads. Sits as local board of health, liquor control commission, tree wardens and cemetery commissioners. Agendas and minutes are posted on the Meeting Minutes/Agenda Page. 17 V.S.A. § 2646(4); 17 V.S.A. § 2649

♦ Town Agent: 
The town agent used to prosecute and defend suits. The Selectboard now has that authority. Thus, the town agent’s duty consists merely of assisting when litigation is in progress, at the request of the Selectboard. 17 V.S.A. § 2646(11)

Town Clerk: LaDonna Dunn (elected-expires 2027);  Karen Blais – Assistant Town Clerk (appointed by Clerk); Niki Dunn – Assistant Town Clerk (appointed by Clerk)
Records, preserves, and certifies the public records of the town. Issues dog, marriage, civil marriage licenses as well as motor vehicle renewals. Runs the local elections, serves as clerk of the board of civil authority, and hears tax abatement requests and tax appeals.  Notary Public services are also available at the Clerk’s office. 17 V.S.A. § 2646(2)  

Town Service Officer: Selectboard

♦ Town Treasurer: Lisa Deslandes (elected-expires 2027)
Keeps the town accounts, invests money (with the approval of the Selectboard), keeps a record of the taxes voted, and pays orders drawn on him or her.  17 V.S.A. § 2646(3) Treasurer’s hours: Wednesday’s, 8 a.m. to Noon, and by appointment.

Village Water District
The Westfield Fire District is responsible for operating & maintaining the Village water system.  For more information contact: Daniel McAvinney at (802) 744-6272 or dmcavinney@outlook.com. For billing questions contact Kelly Randall at (802) 673-3525.

♦ Zoning Administrator: Will Young (appointed)
Approves or denies applications for zoning permits.  Administers the municipal bylaws literally.  Enforces regulations pertaining to the Zoning Bylaws 24 V.S.A. § 4460. Visit the Permits & Fees Page for more detailed information. Office hours are by appointment. Call (802) 715-3077 (leave message) for more information or email westfieldzoning@gmail.com. A full copy of the Zoning Bylaw including maps can be found on the Ordinances & Bylaws Page.