When do I need a zoning permit?
Zoning permits are required prior to any construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any building, or other structure, or of any mining, excavation of landfill, and any change in the use of any building or other structure, or land, or extension of use of land and division of land. New driveways require a curb cut permit. Applications and information are available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Visit the Permits and Fees Page for more information.
How do I get water service in the Village of Westfield?
Water service for the Village is provided by Westfield Fire District #1. Contact Daniel McAvinney at (802) 744-6272 or dmcavinney@gmail.com, for assistance. Water payments are sent to: Westfield Fire District #1, P.O. Box 251, Troy, Vt 05868.
Where is the Department of Motor Vehicles located?
Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles is located at 100 Main Street, Suite 130, Newport, VT 05855. Hours are Monday – Friday 7:45 am to 4 pm. Telephone 802-334-3363. Registration renewals may be done at the Town Clerk’s office, 38 School Street, Westfield, VT 05874, as long as they are no more than 2 months delinquent. There is a $3 service charge payable to the Town Clerk for each registration renewed. Registration fees must be paid by check or money order if paid at the Town Clerk’s office and the white renewal registration form is required to complete the transaction.
Where can I purchase a hunting license?
Vermont Hunting and Fishing Licenses are available online at http://www.vtfishandwildlife.com/buylicense.cfm.
Who do I contact about a dog license?
Fee and licensing information may be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office. Dog licenses are due by April 1st each year. All dogs 6 months of age and older are required by Vermont state statute to be licensed. Proof of rabies certificate is required for licensing. Call the Town Clerks office Monday – Thursday 8 am to 4 pm for more information, 802-744-2484. Each March a rabies clinic is offered at a local vet. See the Calendar Page for the date and visit the Licenses and Certificates page for more information.
Where do I to file for a Homestead Declaration and where do I find that information?
Homestead Declaration are to be filed each year by every Vermont resident whose property meets the definition of a homestead. A Vermont homestead is the principal dwelling and parcel of land surrounding the dwelling, owned and occupied by a resident individual as the individual’s domicile on April 1. If your homestead is leased to a tenant on April 1, you may still claim it as a homestead if it is not leased for more than 182 days in the calendar year.
- Download fillable PDF forms from the web at www.bit.ly/vttaxforms
- Order forms by email: tax.formsrequest@vermont.gov
- Order forms by phone at (855) 297-5600 (toll free in the U.S.) or (802) 828-2515
Visit the Property Taxes Page for additional property tax information.
When are property taxes due?
Property taxes are due to the Town Treasurer/Clerk’s Office by 4 p.m. the first Thursday in October. PLEASE BE ADVISED POSTMARKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED.
When are property tax bills mailed?
Tax bills are generally mailed by the first week of August each year. One tax bill is mailed to each property owner of record as of April 1st. If a property sells after April 1st, it is the responsibility of the original owner to forward the tax bill to the new owner.
Where do I mail my property tax payment and to whom is the check payable to?
Property taxes are mailed to the Town Clerk’s Office, 38 School Street, Westfield, VT 05874. The check is made payable to: Town of Westfield. Please allow adequate time for your payment to arrive and be advised postmarks are not accepted. It is helpful if you write the Parcel ID in the memo section of your check. Your Parcel ID number can be found on the top left corner of your tax bill. Payments may also be made in person at the Town Clerk’s Office or dropped in the secure drop box to the left of the front door. The drop box is checked every workday.
When is Town Meeting Day held?
Town Meeting is held the first Tuesday in March at 10 am at the Westfield Community Center, 59 North Hill Road, Westfield, VT 05874. Residents wishing to register to vote may fill out an application at the Town Clerk’s Office or Vermont now has same day voter registration.
Where are elections held and what time are the polls open?
Elections are normally held at the Westfield Community Center, 59 North Hill Road. Polling hours are 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Occasionally an election is held at the Town Clerk’s Office, 38 School Street. Feel free to call 744-2484 to verify where a specific election is being held or sign up for the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page to track this type of information and order absentee ballots online.
What is the phone number for the post office?
Westfield no long has a post office. The closest post offices for P.O. Box rentals are the Lowell Post Office (802) 744-2706, the Troy Post Office (802) 744-2708 and Montgomery Center Post Office (802) 326-4246.
How do I get an E9-1-1 address?
After obtaining a Curb Cut Permit from the Zoning Administrator, contact Roger Gosselin, E911 Coordinator at westfieldvt911coordinator@gmail.com or 802-274-4502 and he will assign an E911 address after visiting your site. Adding or deleting a building site or road additions or changes are reasons to contact the E911 Coordinator.
How may I become a member of a town board or commission?
Vacancies to positions are posted as they become available. Call the Town Clerk’s Office for information about the appointment process for town boards and commissions.